
Dear Parents and Carers,

The staff at Tullos School would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and your child. Tullos offers a high quality learning experience for all children in our care from Nursery to Primary 7.  

We recognise the benefits to our pupils of parents, staff, and partners working together and aim to provide a school in which all adults and children feel welcome and at ease. It is so important for home and school to work together for the benefit of your child. We pride ourselves on having an excellent partnership between school and parents/carers through having an ‘open door’ policy. If there are any questions during the year, please come along to school to chat with staff regarding any concerns/suggestions and we will do our very best to help you. 

We appreciate the many ways that parents and carers actively contribute to the life of the school.  We make every attempt to regularly share information with parents regarding the progress of their child. The Tullos Parent Voice Group plays an important role in providing support for our students and school. A number of parents help in classes, on trips, with after-school clubs, and speak to classes in support of our curriculum. We may invite parents or carers to participate in focus groups to share suggestions for improvement and comment on the work we are doing. We may develop and distribute questionnaires designed to gauge parental views on a number of areas through the year. 

The information contained in our webpage and school handbook is designed to provide you with an outline of the school’s aims, objectives and organisation. We are always happy to see parents and carers to discuss any of the general points and policies outlined in the school handbook. Please navigate to the Parents section of our website to read about the positive effect parents/carers are making to our school.    

We hope your child will work hard, show a good example, feel happy and secure at Tullos, while proving themselves to be a credit to our school and your family. We look forward to working with you throughout the school year.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Mackinlay & Miss Singer

Acting Head Teacher