Dear parents/carers,
Tomorrow at 3pm our school will be closed due to the Coronavirus for the foreseeable future. This is not an extension of the holidays and pupils will be provided with daily work through Google Classroom. We are currently working with Aberdeen City Council to ensure pupils are able to access the internet and have suitable devices. More information will follow soon.
Today at 3pm all pupils will receive a jotter and a few activities on a sheet to get started at home. There is also links to useful websites on the Tullos school website-
If you child is not at school you can either come to the door at 3pm and collect it from the teacher, nominate another child to pick it up for them or collect it tomorrow from the office.
Starting from Monday during term time teachers will daily add work to your child’s Google Classroom. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to access it as there is a really easy link here to help you. Also the children have been practicing in school.
Children will all be able to access a literacy, numeracy and IDL/project task daily. The teacher will be able to see your child’s uploaded work and even comment on it. The teacher will be able to monitor who is doing the work and your child can communicate with their teacher if they are finding things difficult or would like help. The children have all been told that there is an expectation that they log on daily and complete the work.
Also on Google Classroom there will be suggestions of working from home timetables and websites that children can go onto to extend their learning.
If the class teacher becomes ill work will still be provided daily but it may be more class tasks. You will be glad to know there will be no work in the holidays.
We understand this is not ideal and it will be difficult for families to begin with but it is important that disruption to your child’s learning is minimised.
Thank you for being patient while we collate the work.
Yours sincerely,
Beth Leitch