Once again Aberdeen City Libraries will run a reading challenge during the holidays. Aberdeen Reads is open to everyone to challenge themselves to explore reading this summer and will run from 27 June – 29 August 2020.
Although library buildings are closed Aberdeen City Libraries continues to provide services 24/7via our digital offer. There is a wide range of ebooks, eaudio books, ecomics, emagazines and online resources suitable for all ages and abilities. We also continue to deliver regular Bookbug sessions digitally via YouTube and Facebook.
The Challenge aims to support children to develop language and literacy skills by encouraging all kinds of reading – instructions, recipes, picture books, sharing stories with younger siblings. There are a series of suggested challenges; many of which can be easily carried out as part of a daily routine; on a range of topics to inspire everyone to try different genres and types of reading.
Children and families who register will be entered into a prize draw and there will be another prize draw for those who complete 3 or more challenges/reads.
Reading activity can be recorded on a Challenge card which be printed or downloaded from our website to a mobile device.Information on the Challenge and how to register is on our website www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/aberdeenreads
Good Luck!!