Scottish Children Payment

Scottish Child Payment Scottish Child Payment is a new benefit for children under 6 years old which officially starts on Monday 15 February 2021 however applications are now being accepted to ensure that the correct information is collected in time to make the first payments in February.

What is Scottish Child payment? Families who meet the criteria and are eligible to apply will receive a payment of £10 per child, per week (equivalent to £520 per year) and payment will be made on a four-weekly basis. There are no limits to the number of children per family who can receive this benefit. In order to be eligible for Scottish Child Payment the following criteria must be met;

• live in Scotland

• have responsibility for a child/children under the age of 6 and be named on one of the following benefits, Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit, Child Benefit

• Be in receipt of any of the following benefits:  Universal Credit, Income Support, Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit,  Income-based Job Seekers Allowance or Income-related Employment and Support Allowance.

If you are a kinship carer and the child is not named on one of the above you can demonstrate child responsibility through either a legal order or a letter of support from a local authority.

People will be able to apply online at or through our Freephone helpline at 0800 182 2222.

Our helpline is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm. A paper application will also be available and can be requested via our helpline or downloaded direct from our website. • Online: • Website: • Twitter: @SocSecScot • Facebook: Social Security Scotland • Local Delivery Relationship Leads: