Covid restrictions
Although some restrictions are easing, we still need to keep everybody safe. Our Covid rules still apply and I can’t stress how important it is for everyone to follow these rules. As parents/carers, you are role models for your children so I would like to remind you of the restrictions that are expected for all parents/carers to follow.
At the school gates –
- Do not meet in large groups – some children can’t get past.
- Wear a face covering.
- Stay 2m distanced from each other.
- Do not enter the playground.
These restrictions will remain in place even when Scotland moves to a different level.
Last day of term 4 – Friday 25th June 21
Return to school – Tuesday 17th August 21
Our teachers are busy writing the children’s reports. This year Aberdeen City Council has changed the format and there is only one comment about your child as a learner. We are hopeful to have the reports with in June.
I can’t believe that we are already nearing the end of the session. It has been a strange school year with home learning and Covid rules. We are now turning our attention to 2021-22 session and are in the process of gathering views from all stakeholders about what should be the focus for the Tullos School Improvement Plan. Please visit this link – Parent/Carer School Improvement 2021/22 – and complete a short Google questionnaire that I would appreciate if you would take 5 mins to complete. We will also be holding an online Tullos Parent Voice meeting this term where we would welcome you to join us to talk about our school. The date and time will be issued soon.
Open every Tuesday and Thursday 1.15-2.30pm. All our families are welcome but only one adult per family.
Please do not arrive before 1pm and follow all Covid restrictions – face mask, social distance and hand sanitise.