Newsletter – February 2022

Covid update

We are beginning to see some of the Covid restrictions lift which is good news for everyone. In school we will be allowing our classes to mix more both indoors as well as outside.  Unfortunately, due to adults having to remain 2m distanced from each other we need to continue with our staggered breaks and lunches. Staff will also continue to wear masks and hand hygiene is strictly adhered to.

Please remember that if your child has any symptoms that they remain at home and get tested. If they are positive, they must self-isolate. Children do not need to self-isolate if they are a close contact and can come to school if they take daily lateral flow tests which are negative.

Term 3 dates for your diary

  • Monday 14th February – Holiday
  • Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th Feb – inset days
  • Friday 1st April – last day of term

Internet safety

This term we have been focusing on internet safety in the upper stages. The Police have been into school to talk to the P7s and will be returning to talk to the P5 and 6s about this subject.

Internet safety is a real concern and we know of some pupils who have been requested to join inappropriate groups on Apps such as Snapchat. Luckily those pupils responded by leaving the group and not becoming involved but it has demonstrated how vulnerable our children can be online.

I strongly advise that as parents you talk to your child about what Apps they use and how to be responsible online. Check that their settings are secure, and they understand only to add people they know as friends. Remind them that once photos and videos are on the web they can be accessed by others.

There are many sites that parents can use for advice. The NSPCC site is very good –