What we are consulting on?

The Children’s Services Board is consulting on the draft revised Children’s Services Strategic Plan 2023-26 which sets out the priorities we have identified to help improve outcomes for children, young people and their families in Aberdeen.

In November 2022, the Children’s Services Board gathered and analysed data from across all children and family services, as well as feedback from children and young people and their families to develop a children and young people’s population needs assessment.  This has then been used to help Board members identify current and future need for the child population as a whole, for more vulnerable groups within this and also by age and stage.

The Board have used the population needs assessment, along with the direction of travel outlined in The Promise, the cultural transformation required to deliver against the UNCRC and anticipated legislation such as the anticipated Care and Justice Bill and education reform agenda to inform the revised draft Children’s Services Plan 2023-26.

We’d like to hear your views on our draft Plan

The draft Children’s Services Plan 2023-26 is now open for consultation until 12 March 2023. The consultation gives all citizens the opportunity to comment on the draft Plan before it is considered by the Community Planning Aberdeen Board on 19 April 2023. 

Please tell us your view and whether we’re focusing on the right priorities by accessing the consultation at the link below:

The views of our children and young people are vital to informing the Plan and ensuring that our priorities are the right ones. To assist with engagement, we have developed a children and young people’s version of the Plan, along with a MS Form to capture their views. Children and Young People can complete the form individually, or as part of a group.

If you have any queries or would like to give us feedback, please use the comments boxes in the link or email us at