Newsletter Term 3 January 2023

January 2023 Happy New Year

We are back to school and into a busy term. Last term we had a competition to design new superheroes to represent our school values. The winners have been chosen and we are in the process of using the designs to make posters. We will share our new superheroes with you soon. This term we are focusing on the school values of respect and responsibility. Pupils are encouraged to show respect for everyone and resources and take responsibility for their actions and belongings. To help us with this please name children’s clothes and belongs so we can ensure they are returned to the right person. 

Parent appointments On Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th January we have parents’ nights and we would like to see as many parents and carers as possible. This year it is in school with a face to face meeting with the class teacher. Please use the Google Form to book an appointment time for P1 to 7 pupil. It needs to be completed by Friday 13th January, so we have time to organise the appointments for each class (link below).  Lost property will also be available to look through to find any missing items.   

Tullos Parent Voice We are looking for enthusiastic parents and carers to join out parent group. The parent group help with school improvement and support the school in fund raising. If you would like to join please check out the Tullos Parent Voice Facebook page or come to our next meeting in school on Tuesday 17th January at 5.30 – 6.15pm;  cakes and coffee are supplied.

Winter weather As the weather can be very wet at this time of year we encourage you to put a spare change of clothes in younger children’s bag in case they get wet feet or trousers. A pair of slippers or gym shoes to change into can make it a more comfortable day.  We are also looking for leggings, joggers or trousers age 5-8 for children who don’t have a change. If you have any old ones that would be suitable, please hand them to the class teacher. And if your child gets a change of clothes from school, please can you wash them and return them to school so they can be used again.

Dates for the diary

P1-7 Parents nights – 25th and 26th January – please complete the Google Form
Monday holiday – 13th February
Inset days – 14th and 15th February
Bingo night – 9th March – more information nearer the time
P7 activities week – 20th – 24th March
Last day of term – Friday 31st March
Term 4 starts – Monday 17th April